Well I took the plunge and preordered a NIKON D800 back on May 4, 2012. In typical fashion Nikon is unable to fill the initial demand for the D800 and D800E. That’s ok I am a patient guy. This will cause a shift in my photography. I have since sold my NIKON D90 to a co worker. This is actually somewhat interesting in that it is his first DSLR and like always it gives me ideas to help others  learn as well as learn myself. My CANON 60D will serve as a backup and secondary camera. The NIKON D7000 which is technically the little womans will probably see little direct use from me. This will not affect site content as I am still working with the little woman in a baby steps fashion.

Lastly I will be folding the content from and into this site. I would rather focus on one good site then three crappy ones.

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