ExpoDisc 2.0 Professional White Balance Filter

ExpoImaging ExpoDisc EXPOD2-77 2.0 77mm Professional White Balance Filter
It’s no secret I’m a huge proponent of correcting white balance in the field as well as being a fan of using the ExpoImaging ExpoDisc to accomplish this. Well as bad luck would have it all but one of my ExpoImaging ExpoDisc’s seemed to have disappeared from my gear bag so I set out to get a replacement from Amazon.com because my prime membership will have it in my hand in two days with free shipping. To my horror the model I needed was discontinued. So I took a quick trip to the expoimaging website and was pleased at what I saw. The reason the model I wanted was discontinued was because it was replaced by a new and improved model. The improvements are the new unit works more like a lens cap versus the old method that kind of snapped in. This is a good thing. The new version also includes warming gels for portrait work. In the past you needed a second disc for portrait work. Now here is the real kicker, the new model is nearly half the price of the original model. I bought mine from Amazon.com for $49.95. The new model is made in the USA so my expectation is that quality has been retained in the new 2.0 version.
Stay tuned for an update after I have the unit in hand
From the manufacturer:
ExpoDisc, the original white balance filter gets even better. Set white balance, meter for exposure and dust map your sensor with the only calibrated and certified 18% transmission incident light metering filter.
We invented the digital white balance filter with the original ExpoDisc and established it in the market as the premium white balance tool by individually testing and certifying every ExpoDisc. Now, ExpoDisc 2.0 introduces user-selectable warming filters (gels), an improved mounting design, and a new lower price-point.
ExpoDisc 2.0 Features:
• Made in USA – Hand Calibrated for Accuracy
ExpoDisc 2.0 Contents:
• ExpoDisc 2.0 Professional White Balance Filter
• Comfortable Lanyard
• Sturdy Carry Pouch
• Calibration Certification Card
• User Quickstart Guide
Learn more here at the Expoimaging site.
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