NIKON D90 TWO BUTTON RESET – So you or some else has been learning the controls of the Nikon D90. Unfortunately so many settings have been changed that you don’t know how or where to begin to get the camera back to normal. Well lucky for you Nikon has made the solution simple. You simply need to “RESET” the D90. Now I know the term “RESET” may sound a bit intimidating but fear not this is not a factory reset where the D90 would return to the state it was when pulled from the box when new.
Below is a list of all the settings the D90 will default too. You will notice half of them you haven’t ever touched. Click the picture to view it full sized.

After performing a “Two Button Reset” you will need to enter the menu and adjust a few settings for your personal preference. If you are new to the D90 maybe you only need to adjust the picture size and quality to get you back to where you want it. However if you have been plugging along deeper in the menu system perhaps you changed “Fine Tuning” , “Focus Mode” or “Metering” etc.

It’s my belief that not only does the “Two Button Reset” bring you to a known starting point every time out It will also aid in building your familiarization with the D90 menu system and functions. Those are the the things that will make you feet at ease learning to utilize the D90 in a fun, productive and creative manner.

There’s another reason to perform the Nikon D90 Two Button reset. A general rule of thumb among many professional photographers is to reset their camera before every photoshoot. The reason is simple. You need to start at a known reference point. I learned this the hard way. I once spent the day with the wrong white balance setting and all my pictures were blue. Reset the camera and set the settings each day, every photoshoot and avoid rookie mistakes like this.
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