Nikon MB-D80 Multi Power Camera Battery Grip became a necessity once I began using the Eye-Fi Pro X2 wifi enabled SDHC card. The Nikon MB-D80 Multi Power Camera Battery Grip enables the Nikon D90 to operate with one or two EN-EL3e batteries. When one battery has completely discharged the camera will automatically switch to the fresh battery. Note: Be sure to go into the camera’s menu system and tell the camera that you are using the MB-D80 and what type of batteries you are using.
Increased battery capacity is not the only feature of the Nikon MB-D80 Multi Power Camera Battery Grip. The MB-D80 Multi-Power Battery Pack provides an AF-on button, vertical firing release with lock, and front and rear command dials.
Also included with the kit is an adapter that will allow you to use AA batteries in a pinch.
In the field: The MB-D80 works as advertised. I have really come to like the extra girth the MB-D80 adds to the D90. For my use have not found the extra controls to be much value for the manner I use the camera but Im sure others might find them useful.
If I have one gripe its that I somehow manage to keep loosening the nut that fastens the MB-D80 to the Nikon D90.
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