Adobe RGB Versus sRGB Color Space

Adobe RGB Versus sRGB Color Space This is another of those topics that starts internet feuds on camera and photography discussion groups around the world. Here’s the deal in a nutshell.  If you are not sure which color space to use the answer most likely is sRGB.  If you need to use Adobe RGB you are in a business that requests it. sRGB is the most common standard and offers the most compatibility from user and device to the next. So set it to sRGB and forget it. Just make certain your photo editing software is set to the sRGB color space as well. The argument (Simplified): Adobe RGB 1998  can display more colors than sRGB. The problem is the Continue ReadingAdobe RGB Versus sRGB Color Space

RAW versus JPEG – What’s Best?

RAW versus JPEG – What’s Best? The answer is RAW! Ok now that we got that out of the way lets back up a little and see if we can really simplify the raw vs jpg debate. RAW vs JPEG Differences Simplified Raw – a raw image is a picture that’s recorded EXACTLY as your camera saw it. JPEG (jpg) – The JPEG is your cameras attempt to take what the camera saw and convert it to a presentable picture at a much file size. RAW Pros and Cons Simplified Pro – Think of the raw file as a perfect copy of the picture you took. It’s a one of a kind “Master File”. Compare it to a 35mm film Continue ReadingRAW versus JPEG – What’s Best?