Elinchrom D-Lite RX ONE Studio Flash

Delivering approximately twice the power of speedlights, the Elinchrom D-Lite RX ONE Studio Flash is a small, but robust compact flash from Elinchrom. Continue ReadingElinchrom D-Lite RX ONE Studio Flash
Delivering approximately twice the power of speedlights, the Elinchrom D-Lite RX ONE Studio Flash is a small, but robust compact flash from Elinchrom. Continue ReadingElinchrom D-Lite RX ONE Studio Flash
D-Lite RX studio flash is the entry range of the Elinchrom studio flash family. Whether you are new to lighting, already have speedlights or just want to take your photography to the next level, the D-lite RX series provides all you need. Ideal for small business applications, portraiture and for everyone interested in the art and creativity of lighting, these Swiss designed and tested units will not only give many years of satisfactory service and pleasure, but also allow the upgrade to more advanced units when you are ready. Continue ReadingElinchrom D-Lite RX 4 Studio Flash
Mola Demi vs Elinchrom Beauty Dish does the total cost of ownership translate into superior picture quality in the hands of an amateur photographer. Will the coveted Mola Demi prove to be a worthy investment over the Ellinchrom Softlite in my hands Continue ReadingMOLA DEMI VS ELINCHROM BEAUTY DISH | PART 1
The Mola Demi creates an even core of light surrounded by a smoothly graduated feathered edge, about a half a stop difference from the center to outer edge. Continue ReadingMOLA DEMI BEAUTY DISH | MOLA DEMI SOFTLIGHT
ExpoDisc 2.0 Professional White Balance Filter ExpoImaging ExpoDisc EXPOD2-77 2.0 77mm Professional White Balance Filter It’s no secret I’m a huge proponent of correcting white balance in the field as well as being a fan of using the ExpoImaging ExpoDisc to accomplish this. Well as bad luck would have it all but one of my ExpoImaging ExpoDisc’s seemed to have disappeared from my gear bag so I set out to get a replacement from Amazon.com because my prime membership will have it in my hand in two days with free shipping. To my horror the model I needed was discontinued. So I took a quick trip to the expoimaging website and was pleased at what I saw. The reason the Continue ReadingExpoImaging ExpoDisc EXPOD2-77 2.0 77mm Professional White Balance Filter
Nikon SB 800 vs Nikon SB 910 This is not a review. This is more of a point of view. There is enough reviews on this subject. I have nothing to offer that has not been regurgitated thousands of times by others who know much more than me. Being a mostly focused on product photography with fixed tungsten studio lighting I have not been a big user of flash and on the occasions where I do need a flash I utilize a Nikon SB 800 Speedlight or the Nikon 4804 R1 Wireless Close-Up Speedlight System. Recently though, I decided to branch out into more walking around, candid and minor action types of photography. I also want to become well versed Continue ReadingNikon SB 700 vs Nikon SB 910